Monday 5 September 2011

Techfest OC Election private publicity propoganda

12th March, 2011
IIT Bombay Campus
In an intriguing twist to Elections 2011, one of our correspondents has got his hands on highly confidential publicity propaganda from the Techfest OC candidate, Vishu Mahajan's camp. It seems in order to convince the team to allow him to be elected unopposed, Mr. Mahajan has put out the following advertisements in his inner circle.
21 year old, Ex-Techfest Manager seeking alliance with Independent Body. Peace and low effort election resulting in selection to Overall Co-ordinator post preferred. AIR 71. CSE student. Techfest preferred but will settle for other IB too. Promises to nurture alliance with great care and love. Only IB not involved with other men/women please!

It seems that the strategy was highly effective as Techfest seems to have rejected all other suitors and accepted Vishu Mahajan's proposal. FakeElectionOfficer wishes to bless their holy union and invites you all to witness the ceremony on 15th March, 2011 at your respective comp-rooms.

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